Over the years, I have learned that working on emotional management is essential to healing a chronic condition like Rosacea.
So, if you have been trying lots of diets and supplements, but still feel stranded in your Rosacea healing journey, then it is most likely emotional management that is holding you back.
To help you out, here is a new tool to help get you back in control; it is a new way of looking at Mindfulness.
Because we know that mindfulness is beneficial for both physical and mental health - the science is clear.
However, most people I’ve met struggle to see the point of ‘coming into the present’ and spend their mindful time wrestling with their inner voice. They then feel it's a waste of time and that they have failed.
So, today, I want to encourage you to think differently about mindfulness. More practically. More like a type of mind training - like a Sudoku for the soul. This perspective gets your mind working with you as a companion towards your ideal future - not something to be wrestled with or suppressed.
When we approach mindfulness in this way, it teaches you that you are not your thoughts and that your inner dialogue is not you.
Instead, you understand that your inner dialogue is like one train of many that comes into the station of your mind, and mindfulness gives you the space to choose what train of thought you choose to get on.
Mindfulness shows you that you don’t need to become your thoughts. You can choose your train of thought based on what you want and you now have your hands back on the steering wheel to guide your emotions and your life. This is HUGELY powerful because your thoughts affect emotions which affect your actions, and it is your actions which ultimately get you your RESULTS in life.
In this way, mindfulness (or thoughtfulness!) is the first step to genuine change because it gives you a clear space to make good decisions without the clouding of emotion.
Sit comfortably and lower your gaze or shut your eyes.
Focus on the breath. Feel it coming in through the nose and imagine it spreading through your whole body to the tips of your toes, refreshing and nourishing your cells.
Breathe out through the nose and imagine the breath leaving the body and sweeping out toxins and toxic emotions into the atmosphere.
After a while, some internal dialogue will crop up.
Rather than talking with it, arguing with it or trying to suppress it, just observe it. Choose to just recognize it, but not become it.
Know that it is but one train stopping at the station, but it is not one you are choosing to ride.
If it helps, get curious about it. Where exactly is this voice? Which ear do you hear it in? Is it near or far? What does it sound like? Is it male, female, old, young, strong, weak, clear, distorted…?
If you wish, play with it. If it’s not a positive message for you, move it far away, make it faint, fuzzy and weak. If it is a positive message, move it closer, give it energy, vibrancy...
OR just choose to wait at the station and breathe until the right train comes along...
All my programs include emotional management techniques to support your healing and your journey. If you would like to know more, simply book a free call with me, using the link below, to learn how I can help.
Best wishes,
