Conventional approaches to Rosacea focus on the skin with creams, pills, lotions, and blasting those pesky blood vessels with laser
...and then, when that strategy doesn't resolve it (HINT, it doesn't), the final option is antibiotics
...and antibiotics do work for some people
...BUT, usually only for a period
So then it’s back to yet another cream, pill, lotion to see if something else helps
Does this sound familiar...?
I call it the symptom-management treadmill and this was my story when I had Rosacea…
The problem with the symptom-management treadmill is that Rosacea is not a skin disease, it is a manifestation of imbalance within.
Let me repeat that, so it sinks in…
Rosacea is not a skin disease, it is a manifestation of imbalance within
Therefore, it makes no sense to try and fix it with topical creams and treatments, that's just a Band Aid on symptoms!
However, the good news is that once you know that the imbalance is within, then you can start to understand your Rosacea better, manage it better, and start to do something effective about it
...and NOW that you know this, you have gained back control
That's the Road Map to Freedom!
A NEW METHOD that turns conventional approaches on their head and starts healing from the inside, not the outside
It’s true ROOT CAUSE therapy, not the symptom-management treadmill that benefits the drug companies and frustrates you
If you're up for trying a new method and stepping off that treadmill, let's make a start now…
Book a free call with me to let me know what you think triggered your Rosacea and let's work together to win get you off that treadmill.
Click the link below to book your free discovery call with me
Best wishes