Inflammation is not bad!
"Inflammation is INFORMATION"!
Therefore, trying to 'fix' Rosacea by focusing only on reducing inflammation can actually be suppressing the very message telling you how to heal!
So, if you have plateaued on your Rosacea healing journey, then don't panic because there is a better way...
Instead of reducing inflammation, you must listen to your body and LEARN what your inflammation is trying to tell you.
This is a whole new method and way of thinking that WORKS WITH YOUR BODY and just makes intuitive sense.
When learning to listen to inflammation, most people need some guidance because inflammation does not have the language to tell you exactly what is up.
That is why my healing programs are never a generic, X, Y, and Z approach. They are a full education and learning journey about your mind, body, and soul; because what you need to heal is totally unique to you.
My programs are really a personalised education about what your body is telling you with the added bonus of support from me every step of the way; together, we decode the information in your inflammation!
And the best part about my programs is that the initial assessment is free, so you get to understand what your Rosacea inflammation is trying to tell you without spending a penny.
To find out more about the cause of your Rosacea and my exclusive healing community and programs, simply book a FREE discovery call with me by clicking the link below...
Best wishes