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The First 3 Things I would Do to Fix My Rosacea Again

Writer's picture: Nick CroxfordNick Croxford

Have you ever heard the phrase, "If I knew then, what I know now...!"

It's a classic phrase and there is benefit in hindsight, especially if you are suffering with Rosacea right now.

The chances are that, if you are like I was, you have thrown everything at your Rosacea and it still won't budge.

Don't worry, I've got your back, I've been there, I've fixed it and you can learn from my mistakes, so that you don't have to repeat them.

So, here are the first 3 things that I would start with, if I had to start over fixing my Rosacea again...


You can have the best therapist, food, and treatment, but if stress is running your life, then your body cannot heal. So, I'd sit myself down and have an honest conversation with myself. What stressful habits am I perpetuating? What financial, career, relationship is affecting me, and what can I do to fix it? What help do I need with this?


I would switch to this diet to help manage my symptoms, while I did the below…


If you don't know the root cause of your Rosacea, then you cannot design an effective strategy. It's like playing darts with a blindfold - you can't hit a target you can't see unless you are extraordinarily lucky. The cost of testing pales in comparison to the time and money I wasted, not to mention the happiness I missed out on.

So, here is my recommendation for a starting strategy. It's the best place to start and then build upon when you have completed testing.

If you'd like some help getting started, then you can find details of the low-histamine diet in my Facebook group or my Rosacea Detox guide - click the link below

Whoever you choose to guide you through your journey, let me just warn you against trying to save a few pennies with direct to consumer testing - if you buy cheap, you buy twice!

Never give up on your skin, the answer is within you and you can do this.




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