It's the gut.
Now, I realise that some of you might already be thinking...
"But, I don't have gut symptoms."
"But, stress is my trigger."
"But, it's sunlight that makes me flare."
It's still the gut, I promise.
Bear with me and read on, it will become clear.
Oh, and before we go any further, here's another bombshell...
Rosacea is NOT a skin disorder!
Rosacea is a symptom of immune hyper-sensitivity coming from the gut! Allow me to explain...
The health and integrity of our gut is essential to our overall health and especially to the stability of our immune system. That's because an estimated 70% of our immune system hangs around our guts, constantly assessing whether what we are absorbing from our diet is friend or foe.

Now, if we are not digesting our foods and drinks properly, then what we eat and drink is not BROKEN DOWN and STERILISED fully. This poorly digested food can then feed bad bacteria, parasites and fungus in the gut.
Understandably, this de-stabilises our immune system and it attacks with inflammation in an attempt to restore microbial balance (we actually need lots of bacteria down there, just in the right amounts).
As time goes on, the inflammation from the immune system and the imbalances in gut microbes, damages the lining of the gut itself. This can then stop the gut working effectively and make the gut porous (AKA 'Leaky Gut').

This 'Leaky Gut' then allows larger particles of food and drink, as well as bacteria and fungus into the bloodstream. This upsets the immune system further and creates a vicious cycle that leads to hyper-sensitivity of the immune system!
To recap, so far it's...
1. Poor digestion
2. Gut imbalance
3. Immune inflammation
4. Leaky gut
5. Immune hyper-sensitivity
OK, so right about now you are probably wondering what this has to do with your face...
Well, the body is not like Las Vegas... What goes on in the gut does not stay in the gut! The body is one system, and immune cells throughout the body all communicate with each other. Simply put, if your gut immune system is hyper-sensitive, it affects the rest of the immune system and leads to SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION in the body.
From this point, the course of disease can go in many directions. Indeed, many chronic diseases (almost all in fact!) are associated with the hyper-sensitive immune system that results from microbial imbalances and 'Leaky Gut'.

For Rosaceans, this hyper-sensitive immune system manifests in the face. This is due to an anti-microbial 'missile' made by the immune system called LL37.
In Rosacea the hyper-sensitive immune system makes lots of LL37 'missiles' (especially in the presence of sunlight). But the 'missiles' in Rosaceans are defective, causing damage to surrounding tissue (your skin). They also lack a proper feedback loop telling them when to stop.
By this point we have a situation where the immune system is over-reacting and damaging the skin and, paradoxically, this damage to the skin needs even more immune cells to repair it. We need LOTS of immune cells there! The only way to get enough immune cells to the face for simultaneous attack and repair is to expand the blood vessels (think, expanding the army supply lines).
Your symptoms of flushing and redness is the body expanding blood vessels in the face to get more immune cells there.
Your bumps, spots and ocular symptoms are a consequence of both the continued damage to the skin barrier (by your own immune system) and the fact that the damage allows parasites (demodex) to proliferate by feeding on the spoils (they feed off the oils).
So now it's...
6. Systemic inflammation
7. LL37 override
8. Skin damage
9. Increased blood vessel size and number
10. Parasitic increases
Can you see how Rosacea really is more than skin deep?
And why topical creams, gels, moisturisers and cleansers are not the solution? (Hint. they don't address the root cause).
And why diet alone is unlikely to fix it (Hint. whether it's an avocado or a donut, you still have to digest it properly).
The solution is to stop the inflammation at source. In almost all causes (with the possible exception of steroid Rosacea) that means re-balancing the gut and fortifying your digestion to prevent future imbalances.
Unfortunately, most people get nowhere, because they focus on:
8. Skin damage
9. Increased blood vessel size and number
When they should be focussed on:
1. Poor digestion
2. Gut imbalance
3. Immune inflammation
4. Leaky gut
And finally if you still think:
"But, I don't have gut symptoms."
"But, stress is my trigger."
"But, it's sunlight that makes me flare."
Consider this...
* Rosacea itself is a gut symptom - you don't need any more.
* Stress stops digestion.
* Stress itself can cause 'Leaky Gut'.
* Stress can increase immune sensitivity.
* Sunlight is a very potent stimulator of LL37 production.
* Sunlight damages the skin requiring repair from immune cells.
* Sunlight heats the skin, expanding blood vessels.
That's it, Rosacea 101. Now you know the WHY.
The next stop is the HOW.
Check out the resources below or book a free call to banish Rosacea and get your life back.
DJ Rap (Charissa Saverio)
"When I had health issues and wanted to follow a diet that was sustainable and actually worked, Nick designed a personal nutritional plan and also addressed the root cause of my health issues and worked with me until they were resolved. Highly recommend him, nice guy, easy to work with and affordable."
Diane, Berkshire
"I would highly recommend Nick. His initial gentle but considered questioning enabled me to discover for myself that my years of dieting to try and look better was missing the point, and that I wanted and needed to FEEL better. His ongoing advice and recommendations armed me with the knowledge to enable me to do just that! Being human I do lapse, but the knowledge and reasoning will never be forgotten."